BreachProtcol is an API to reconstruct breach puzzles that are based on Cyberpunk 2077. The API allows you to place a breach-window based on JFrame between two transactions in Java code in order to have to solve it before the code is executed further. This is done using intercepted “BreachEvents”, which will be explained again later.
This project has no mature reliability yet. The goal of it is to create an open-source fan-made breach-protocol that can be used in any type of java-applications. Since I lack on some knowledge about git itself, there wont be a maven dependency so far. However, once everything is working properly, Ill think about doing one.
Feel free to contribute to work together on a completely fictional & hopefully fun project.
If you’re interested to hear about my approach of this project, DM me under Discord: maksykun
If you’d like to see the progress of this api you will be most-likely able to do it through the documentation. The sidebar shows a slightly overview of the functionality yet.